Friday, March 14, 2008


The economy is going into recession , Hillary and Obama are trying everything in their political sleeves to become the Democratic candidate for president, John Mc Cain the republican nominee for now is taking a breather, the race as the political pundits say is “too close” to call , Indian graduate students are turning up dead in some campuses in the US , India is beating Australia in Australia in cricket –(whats up with that ), the Bombay stock exchange is shedding points like Ex Luv. Gov. Spitzer is losing allies ….sounds chaotic doesn’t it? This reminds me of the song by Billy Joel – “We didn’t start the Fire”

These are certainly not normal circumstances but due to the sheer volume of events can we call these “special” anymore? You must be wondering what do all of the above have to do with me. May be minimal on a day to day basis but all of these are symptomatic of the chaotic world we live in. The major challenge that we face on a day to day basis is to distinguish between what is “real” and what is “fake” in our interactions with other people . What do I mean when I say “real”, honestly I do not have a clue. Why are human relations so complex?

Is it because we tend to over process information and try to prepare ourselves so that we can be in a position of maximum advantage all the time? Or maybe because we are chasing material wealth and success all the time? Or are we always trying to outsmart each other to get a step ahead?

We the homo-sapiens are probably the most adaptive and intelligent animals on Planet earth but our intellectual resources almost always following the “Altius , Citius, Fortius”(faster , higher, stronger) model tends to gain at the expense of other homo sapiens . Is this right or wrong ? I do know that, this is the law of the jungle. Despite all the rules and regulation we live under modern society is it really any better then a modern jungle where to the Victor belong the spoils and almost always the spoils are hedonistic values which one should never chase in the first place …

So the question is friends what do we do ? Think about it !!

1 comment:

anoop... said...

Hi Mayukh,

Really a nice blog, a nice portray of Indian mindset with US tadka in it!!!