Friday, March 23, 2018

Why BLOG ?

This is such a creative way to get thoughts out there ... among the trillions of other posts people make on a daily basis . I am sure this will reach everyone's feed and they will applaud this post !!

Most people with smart phones , data plans , Wi-Fi can access this POST ... 

But why would you spend time reading this... 

Friday, December 12, 2008

Economic slowdown

These days every time I switch the TV on there is always an ongoing rhetoric of companies cutting jobs worldwide. A few days earlier we find out we have been in recession since the beginning of 2008 and even though we had hints being dropped by all the important players of the economic game, everyone did not want to hear the dreaded –“R” word –recession,  as if ,naming it would make things worse. The situation is bad already, the sooner we all start to accept it the easier the transition will be in our own minds. This will also lead us all to spring into action plans that need to be done for our own survival in these tough times. 

The question that comes to mind is why all of a sudden are companies having all kinds of layoffs? Layoffs have become so much of a part of daily life that some people in New York were having pink slip parties. It seems like the writing is on the Wall and everyone is waiting for that final phone call/ page which will lead to the exit ceremony. 

Going back to the question. Why so many layoffs everywhere? The simple answer is that consumers are not buying. In my mind it drives back to the housing market which in my opinion is a significant contributor in North America. The Lenders in North America loosened their purse strings so that everyone could buy whatever house they desired irrespective of what kind of income they had. Creditors wanted more and more people to access these credit options so that they could make more money through interest schemes. This led to a lot of people buying houses who either could not afford to pay the monthly payment or if they could afford to make a mortgage payment, they bought a bigger house so that they could make money off it by selling it at a higher price. Lots of people saw this real estate industry as a good way to have an income and as a result got into full time assuming that the housing and real estate prices would always go up ignoring the basic economic law of supply and demand. The law states that if Supply exceeds demand, prices will fall and if demand exceeds supply, prices will rise. 

In the mad rush to supplement income and under the assumption that housing prices will always rise, people kept changing houses to make profits on the selling price, people invested in real estate in the form of houses , land with the hope of profit. Developers invested money into developing unutilized lands for more condos and real estate. Builders build more and more subdivisions, which led to more strip malls, gas stations, more community banks. The manufacturers of housing material and housing related material like paints, windows etc.. also experience the boom which led them to believe that they need a lot of capacity,  as demand for products would keep going up. The demand did not keep going up, as the whole system reached a point where we had too many houses and too many subdivisions , too much investment in development and supply tipped the scales with demand . As we know by now , when that happens prices will fall .What also happened is as a result of the real estate boom , mortgage securities sold like hot cakes and people started investing their savings into it as that was the realm of the investing world which would always give a good stable return and the individual would never lose money. It was not as risky as stocks or mutual funds and one would make more then if they had their cash lying in a savings account. The myth was that the value of the mortgage backed securities would always keep rising as the value of houses would always appreciate. That myth my friend has been busted!


What has happened is that as a result of this crash the lenders have accumulated a lot of bad debt and in August 2008 , the financial giants which had bloated like massive hot air balloons felt the pin prick , slowly but surely the hot air started leaking bringing all of these financial giants crashing down and taking down along with them all of the people that had created this mess. As president Bush , clearly stated in his national address , to have a strong economy there must be easy flow of credit to the consumers. If the flow breakdowns, people will not have the ability to buy goods and services and the whole economic system will collapse. The US government then signed on the $300 billion dollar bail out package for the big financial corporations to stem the tide of failures of banks which were falling like Dominoes then. This also meant that banks would change the process they did their lending, which is what they should have done originally. They simply waited too long to make these changes.


Soon after this the auto industry crisis came to the forefront the Big 3 were running short on cash for operations because NO ONE was buying their cars. It is not that people stopped buying GM, Ford and Chrysler overnight, this started in the 1980’s ,their competition started selling better quality cars which drove down the cost of ownership. With more and more positive experiences from consumers, the Japanese manufacturers saw more and more sales while this translated inversely for the Big 3. Even though they realized this problem back in the 80’s, one might wonder why have not they addressed it ? They have tried to for sure , it is just that while they were addressing these problems with the resources and time, their competition just kept pulling ahead with new designs, modifications and new technology , they did not rest on their laurels. In the true spirit of continuous improvement they relentlessly kept “driving” ahead. The gap therefore has never been quite bridged and this led to the current crisis. One might argue that if the housing market crash had not knocked the wind out of the consumers, this crisis would not come up so quickly. I would agree with that but would point out that this crisis , surfaced quicker because of the housing crisis and maybe it would have surfaced a few years hence .This crisis can potentially be very damaging as the Big 3 crisis affects tiers of suppliers and suppliers of suppliers  who will suffer heavy financial losses and face massive layoffs.


The only positive and negative in this scenario is that it has distracted the world from the energy crisis. As consumer and industrial demands have fallen, crude oil process have dropped to rock bottom prices. This means also the gung ho efforts and resource allocation decisions of the US to invest and research into renewable energy has been out aside for now. This is exactly what happens every time the subject of transitioning into renewable energy comes up . A bigger problem emerges and this gets pushed back . The day will soon come when we will have high gas prices along with everything else and that is when we are going to regret not having paid more attention to getting rid of our addiction to crude oil. To draw a simple analogy, smoking is an addiction that kills eventually. People do not try to get rid of their smoking addiction because they have other important things to take care off, take care of a family, make enough money etc…since the ill affects is not easily visible on a day to day basis it is a harder addiction to get rid off. Using gasoline for transportation is slowly but steadily destroying our environment but as we cannot the detrimental effects on a day to day basis, we pay scant attention and hope that the problem never surfaces. 

I am sorry I do not have a positive message at the end of my opinions and observations. I can only say that the world has survived many a recession . This however does not apply to all individuals , a lot of people will suffer and life as they know it today will change to something that they may not like or they are used to. This is a period where everyone will act with caution and hope that we have already seen the worst and we are  downhill in our economic journey’s from here on. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Desi Thanksgiving

This is the time of the year again when we have the big Thanksgiving break. About 500 years ago when the Mayflower was making its way to the New world to escape the punitive ways of Europe. They must have been anxious, confused, sick of the sea .They were confused because they did not if they made the right decision or not, they were anxious about what to expect and sick of the sea well if you spend nine months on a rickety boat without proper food or sanitation you are bound to be sick. These are the exact feelings that I came with on my first trip to the US in my pursuit of higher education and a future. I was wondering why oh why did I leave my friends, family and loved ones to venture out in the unknown, discover and live a new life. There are times that I wondered and wondered what was the purpose of taking this giant leap into the unknown. 

But as did the travelers on the Mayflower discovered it was all not stark, helpless and vain, good times rolled in and they were able to lay the groundwork to a great nation that is America today. Similarly after I had struggled a few months here to get accustomed to the conditions, customs and all that I was required to do things started falling in place and the journey and the leap into the unknown was not so bad anymore. I am not going to say that I am laying any kind of groundwork for a great future but I would definitely say that I am happy with the way life has treated me so far. This is a country of opportunity and I can confidently state that if one puts in the right amount of effort, it will not go unnoticed or under compensated.

 I am happy that I took the leap when I did, the lesson I took away for the future is even though the entire picture may not be clear, even though the details may not be known, the variables may seem scary and the road may seem winded, if one is sure of the purpose and is willing to commit completely, the goal will be achieved, the touchdown will be scored. I have also learnt that there is no use in stressing on events that I cannot control. Enough gyan…I am thankful to the almighty for my life so far and pray that God will give me and my family the strength for the rest of my life.

 Have a Happy thanksgiving everyone ….

Friday, November 21, 2008

Delta sucks...

I was traveling back home on Delta , their service sucks.First in Atlanta they keep changing the boarding gate without much notification. They make a few public announcements of the change and let Travelers figure it out. What happens is that you show up at A-6(Terminal A Gate 6) to learn your new boarding gate is T12(Terminal T Gate 12) .There are about six terminals in that airport and the challenge to get from 1 gate to the other becomes like a "Survivor" show. At one point I felt like my legs had frozen up and they were going to break... as a result of all the running I was doing...

So what it feels like Delta have taken the Healthy Lifestyles directly to their customers by making sure travelers get a good cardio workout before boarding their flights...This may also mean that at some point of time in the future, travelers will get so thin that Delta may be able to fit that extra seat in so that they can make more moneeeeey. Ok I am exaggerating this is just plain harassment...

So folks...the bottom line is try and avoid all big airports this will experience less frustration and you will extend your live span just a little bit...on the other hand if you are insistent on traveling, wear comfortable shoes and clothes ..Bon Voyage..

Friday, August 8, 2008

Why Define?

Like morning leads the day, a well defined well scoped six sigma project is more likely to be completed and lead to savings. The project that has directly started at the Measure and Analyze phase has the potential to be ditched as investigation of the current problem may open a can of worms (not literally) which would divert attention from the original goal. In the real world, driven by day to day pains and need for instant fixes, lots of projects will commence with the Measurement and analysis and Improve pooled together in one giant step. This is great when the X’s (inputs) are small in number and their impacts on the Y (output /outputs) is clearly known. But how often is that the case?? More often then not a significant amount of head scratching is done before one can unveil the right X’s (inputs) and have a clear understanding of their impacts on the Y (outputs). I wanted to write about is the importance of Define in the DMAIC model of Six Sigma .

The Define phase consists of a lot of qualitative tools like project charter, problem statement, flow mapping, CTX charts etc... Why are they important? Because they help identify and nail down
What problem we are trying to address (Houston, we have a problem!)
Who are the team members? (The short straw pickers!)
What is the scope? (Let’s not try to boil the ocean!)
What is the current state? (We have always done it this way!)
What is the dollar equivalent benefit of the project? (it is always about the money !)
Why are we doing it? (The money that is being spent because we are miles away from our target!)
What is our goal ? (the utopic perfect world)

As we are all humans and we tend to have miscommunications , it is important to answer all of the above questions and have them down on a piece of paper, pdf file , .doc, .ppt , hey whatever makes you happy to have a “goto” document when we have those questions on why are we doing what we are doing ? This also helps build consensus about our current state , our desired future state and the goals.

In the Define phase we also have discoveries which we never thought existed which typically come in the process flow mapping and value stream mapping tools. Why do we have discoveries? Because in the day to day running of operations we are focused on getting the job done, we do not necessarily stop and analyze why are we doing it this way. The discoveries that we have explain some of the drivers of variation and non value added work.

In the multi roles, that an employee has to play at work it is hard to remember every minute detail .Define phase also acts as a refresher to all of the team members about the process and sometime this review process, causes team member to look at the process with a fresh pair of eyes .

Therefore to conclude, always try and use the Define tools as they can enable to build consensus, enabler for crystal clear two way communication, enabler for discoveries and also to stop and take a fresh look. . This will help keep the eyes on the ball, and help complete projects and translate completed projects into good bottom line savings for the organization. When you are trying to eat a elephant, you have to eat it piece by piece, which is why scoping is very critical for project success.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Make it Visual

The term make it visual is often utilized by P.I.P.’s (people who make their living from utilizing tools of process improvement).These people also speak fancy statistical terms(ANOVA, T test , regression) , a sprinkling of Japanese words(Gemba , Kaizen, Poka Yoka) and the word “add value” is most used. This makes me think that if we actually added a half a percent of value every time we said the “word”, all of the processes in this universe would be at least 90% efficient and we would have excess money left over for research for cancer and the multitude of diseases that mankind does not know how to fix …

Coming back to the point, one of the goals of the Toyota production system is to make processes and work as simple as possible. One of the tools used to make work easier is to take elements in the process and make them very visual. ‘

Ø An example, in the case of driving on the freeway, we have white stripes separating lanes which are an easy visual for the driver to follow and stay in his/her lane.
Ø Mile indicators indicating how far you have traveled and overhead signs , helping decide what exit one needs to take to reach their destination.
Ø Speed limit signs which define what is your maximum and minimum permissible speed.
Ø In the automobile , one has their gas gage telling you how much gas is left in the tank enabling you to make a decision whether you need to fill gas or not.

How can we apply this concept to our daily lives? Keys , we cannot live without our keys .They could be office keys, car keys, house keys , garage keys desk keys and I could go on and on . I personally carry about 7-8 keys on me all the time . So how do I ensure that I waste minimum time looking for these keys every time I leave the house. I place my bunch on a basket that holds the keys right at the door so that every time I leave the house they are right there in the basket , next to the door. You could also have a key holder with a label identifying what the key is used for.

One might think that why do I need to spend time to organize well the answer is simple , it saves you money in the long run , it is not just the minutes you save every time. For something which is not very expensive , it is also human tendency to buy and replace , which means time that could have been spent somewhere else is spent in the activity of traveling to the store , looking for a replacement , buying a replacement and keeping it in a disorganized manner only to repeat the vicious cycle all over again. So do yourself a favor make it visual and let the funds stay in your account.

Another good example are monthly bills, if one has a paper calendar , you can easily highlight the dates, when you have to have the bills paid by .This can be done a year/six months in advance .Just circle the day of the month with a red sharpie and identify why the date has been highlighted .This will ensure that bills are always paid on time and the gas company does not need to send out a collection agency for you. It is part of normal human common cause variation to forget , making it visual minimizes damages as a result of the forgotten elements and sometimes error proofs basic mistakes.

That’s all I had for now so folks remember “make it visual”

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Joke tones Anyone??

Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and foes I have finally done it…This is the defining moment of my life. I have crossed over to the world of Inventors….you are probably wondering: what?? What the hell have you invented? How dare you Master’s graduate make such a big claim…so before you get all hot and insecure…let me explain….

This did not come to me when an apple fell on my head or when I was flying a kite in the presence of lightning, this flash of brilliance came to me when I was laughing my backside off at the vintage Bengali comic –Bhanu …if the name does not ring a bell, he is a Bengali comedian from the golden era of Bengali cinema. Most Bengalis of my generation have heard his comedy tapes at some point of time in life. He has the “bangaal’ accent which is the style of Bengali spoken in Bangladesh which adds to the comic element. He has some refreshing perspectives on the social environment that most Bengalis live in.

Ok so enough gyaan what are joke tones? As the name suggests it is a 15-25 second audio clip in a Mp3 format that serves as a ringtone or it is the acoustic vibration that energizes the air particles to generate sensible audible sound within the human hearing range to alert the human owner of the wireless communication device that the human (hopefully!!) owner of another wireless device wants to communicate while creating laughter for the human owner of the wireless communication device. One could obviously diversify the product range by having a joke answer-tone similar to the old music that one listens to when you call one of the 1-800 numbers for support for those devices that highlight our modern day living style- buy as many machines so that you can fill up your spare time doing the maintenance of those machines that were bought to make life easier for you in the first place.

Ok apologize for the deviation but that’s how modern day life is deep and filled with complex variables with unknown outcomes and non quantifiable values. There I go again…

So as you can read that Joke tones are certainly no rocket science….I bet some of u will dispute my inventor status about this. I do really care about this as much as I would care about a rat’s back side.

The main advantage of joke –tones. If you pick the right one it will make you laugh every time you listen to it and put you in a good mood. Also gives you some show-off rights with your friends …but wait we are Indians!! we do not show off …it goes against the humility principle that is ingrained in our desi DNA …all right well at least it puts you in a good mood…

The disadvantage is that you will want to listen to the tone before you answer it, which might mean longer lead times for the caller who is waiting to talk to you and you will eventually get tired of listening to it …which fortunately has a simple fix change it to another good one… we have a big warehouse of comic clips on the world wide web…
So dear friends it is now time to explore and go beyond ringtones….this is it!! Go joke –tones…..